Potassium Nitrate Easygro (1200) 25kg EXP

Item No.150011208
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Potassium Nitrate fertilizer
Potassium Nitrate fertilizer from Easygro, is a high quality fertilizer specifically designed for use in fertilizer solutions. Potassium Nitrate fertilizer is a source of nitrogen and potassium and meets the strict quality requirements of both vegetable and ornamental crops, especially in greenhouses. It is a particularly pure quality that is suitable for all crops.

EasyGro's Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer has proven to be an excellent potassium nitrate fertilizer even in closed cultivation systems. It dissolves quickly and completely and can be combined seamlessly with other commonly used fertilizers, even in concentrated form.

Advantages of Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer:

  • Promotes balanced growth and development
  • Enhances nutrient uptake and utilization
  • Improves plant resistance to stressors
  • Increases fruiting and flowering potential
  • Compatible with various cultivation systems

Application instruction of potassium nitrate
Dilute the fertilizer according to recommended rates based on crop type, growth stage, and soil conditions.
Apply evenly to the root zone or through fertigation systems for optimal nutrient distribution.
Regular application throughout the growing season ensures continuous nutrient supply and sustained crop health.

Greenhouse grade Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer
In greenhouse cultivation, precision and consistency are paramount. Our Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer, with its high purity and water-soluble formula, is ideal for greenhouse applications and can be used as a greenhouse grade potassium nitrate fertilizer. It ensures accurate nutrient delivery, promotes healthy growth, and maximizes yield potential. Whether used in soil-based or hydroponic systems, our fertilizer offers reliable performance and exceptional results.




Potassium Nitrate Easygro (1200) 25kg EXP

Item No.150011208
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Potassium Nitrate fertilizer
Potassium Nitrate fertilizer from Easygro, is a high quality fertilizer specifically designed for use in fertilizer solutions. Potassium Nitrate fertilizer is a source of nitrogen and potassium and meets the strict quality requirements of both vegetable and ornamental crops, especially in greenhouses. It is a particularly pure quality that is suitable for all crops.

EasyGro's Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer has proven to be an excellent potassium nitrate fertilizer even in closed cultivation systems. It dissolves quickly and completely and can be combined seamlessly with other commonly used fertilizers, even in concentrated form.

Advantages of Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer:

  • Promotes balanced growth and development
  • Enhances nutrient uptake and utilization
  • Improves plant resistance to stressors
  • Increases fruiting and flowering potential
  • Compatible with various cultivation systems

Application instruction of potassium nitrate
Dilute the fertilizer according to recommended rates based on crop type, growth stage, and soil conditions.
Apply evenly to the root zone or through fertigation systems for optimal nutrient distribution.
Regular application throughout the growing season ensures continuous nutrient supply and sustained crop health.

Greenhouse grade Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer
In greenhouse cultivation, precision and consistency are paramount. Our Potassium Nitrate Fertilizer, with its high purity and water-soluble formula, is ideal for greenhouse applications and can be used as a greenhouse grade potassium nitrate fertilizer. It ensures accurate nutrient delivery, promotes healthy growth, and maximizes yield potential. Whether used in soil-based or hydroponic systems, our fertilizer offers reliable performance and exceptional results.